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Item List

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Support connection and coordination
+ Individual skill development
+ Assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations
+ Assistance with decision making, daily planning, budgeting

Assist Life Stage and Transition

Assistance In coordinating or managing life stages,
transitions and supports.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Assistance with self-care activities
+ Assistance with personal domestic activities
+ Assistance in shared living arrangements
+ On-call overnight monitoring

Assist Personal Activities

Assistance in personal activities and develop life skills.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Learn to use public transport
+ General transport

Assist Travel and Transport

Assistance with travel and transport for clients who has a disability and has challenges in accessing transportation.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Assistance in shared living arrangements: Supported independent living
+ Short term accommodation and assistance (including the provision of respite care)
+ Standard support items
+ Medium Term accommodation (MTA)
+ Residential aged care
+ Other living arrangements
+ Support Model (Individualised living option)

Daily Tasks and Shared Living

Assistance with daily life task in a group or shared living arrangement.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Self-management capacity building
+ Capacity building and training in plan and financial management
+ Development of daily living and life skills
+ Individual social skills development
+ Other supports

Development Life Skills

Focusing on training participants to develop skills to increase participants’ ability to live independently.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Mainstreams supports and services
+ Learning through activities and therapies

Early Childhood Supports

ECEI supports for children aged 0-6 years with developmental delay or disability.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Claiming for establishment fees for personal care and participation supports
+ Group and centre based activities (standard)
+ Transitional arrangements for community and centre based group activities (core)

Group and Centre Activities

Enriching connections through interacting with others in group and centre based activities.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Confident in self-awareness/self-care
+ Community engagement, social contribution and relationships in maintaining personal wellbeing
+ Gaining awareness of personal interests, skillsets that can be linked to employment pathways
+ Adaptive social competency including increased awareness of social norms and expectations

Innovative Community Participation

Designed to support NDIS participants to build skills to actively participate in their community.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Assistance to access community, social and recreational activities
+ Participation in community, social and civic activities
+ Increase social and community participation
+ Capacity building

Participate Community

Improve participants’ ability to participate in community, social or recreational activities.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Plan management 
+ Financial administration supports (Capacity building - Improved life choices)
+ Capacity building and training in plan and financial management

Plan Management

Service to help participants with the management of their plans.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Support you to understand your NDIS plan
+ Implement the funded supports in your plan
+ Link you to the community, mainstream and other government services near you
+ Identify the services that meet your unique needs

Support Coordination

Specialist support coordination.

Within this service there are minor services:

+ Therapy-related health supports: core-assistant with daily life
+ Employment related assessment and counselling : capacity building- finding and keeping a job
+ Physical wellbeing activities: capacity building-improve health and wellbeing
+ Therapy supports: over 7 years
+ Multidisciplinary team supports

Therapeutic Supports

Improve independence and enable participation in daily, practical activities.

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